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Export City Anniversary

Warehouse of Raw Materials

Digitalized WMS System: Precision, Efficiency, and Transparency

In our company, we are dedicated to creating a WMS system that enables the highest level of precision, efficiency, and transparency in managing our raw materials. Our main warehouse is equipped with the latest technology and digitalized processes to ensure that every raw material is stored in the right place, at the right time, and that we have complete control over every item that enters and exits our system.

Export City - Warehouse of Raw Materials
Export City - Warehouse of Raw Materials

Various Warehouses for Different Raw Materials

Our main warehouse serves as a central location for storing our raw materials, but in addition to that, we also have specialized warehouses for certain types of materials to ensure optimal storage and handling conditions. Besides the main and primary warehouse, we have the following specialized warehouses:

Foam warehouse
Wadding warehouse
Fabric warehouse
Leather warehouse
Export City - Warehouse of Raw Materials

Digitalized locations with QR codes

Every location in our warehouse is digitalized and tracked through the WMS system. Each raw material is placed in its exact location, which is also digitally marked with a QR code, enabling quick and accurate identification. This allows us to quickly find the necessary materials and efficiently manage our inventory.

Export City - Warehouse of Raw Materials

Issuance by Lots

Our system enables precise tracking of raw materials by lots, allowing us to easily identify and issue materials according to specific batches or groups. This is particularly useful in situations where it is necessary to track specific series or when customers request materials from certain lots.

Export City - Warehouse of Raw Materials

First In First Out (FIFO) Principle

We have implemented the FIFO principle to ensure that materials are issued in the order they are received. This guarantees that older materials are used before newer ones, minimizing the risk of obsolescence or loss of quality during storage. Applying this principle ensures that our products are always fresh and of high quality.

Export City - Warehouse of Raw Materials

Detailed Information About Raw Materials on Labels

Each raw material item has its own label with detailed information. The label includes the quantity of material, lot number, date of entry into the warehouse, and information about who inspected and received the raw material. This information enables us to have complete traceability and control over every item in our warehouse.

Controlled Environment for Quality Maintenance

Controlled processes for the entry, exit, and handling of raw materials ensure that every item leaving our warehouse complies with our strict quality standards.